
Respect As Much As People

 In this beautiful world, animals deserve respect as much as people. They have as much right to live as us, human beings. It is our world, but it is their world too. So, this planet belongs to all creatures living on it. Yet, many are against this notion, since they believe that animals do not have feelings or a soul. Are we to have all the rights, just because we are at the top of the food chain? Does that give humans the right to remove animal privileges? Didn't we learn our lesson through countless wars? It seems not! A lot of people still do not get it, like a child who never learns. Animals have rights. And they surely deserve respect, so they can live their lives free from suffering, abuse, and mistreatment. A life is a life, and it should be valued. Animals cannot speak for themselves and for that reason we have to be their voice and care for them. So, protecting them is something you and I should be proud of. As individuals, it is our responsibility. All creatures have the ...

Animals Are Way Smarter Than We Think

 Since childhood, I firmly believe that animals are way smarter than we think. And that we human beings, as a species, are just being too arrogant. Scientific evidence proves that our planet is not the epicenter of the solar system, but today it also shows that we are not the only center of intelligence. But what are considered levels of intelligence? How and who defines them? Do you think that some animals are way smarter than some people? Throughout my experiences, I do believe so. Just because animals cannot speak or read, for instance, does not automatically indicate that they cannot think or feel. When comparing one species of animals to another, or even to humans, we can see different degrees of intelligence. So, we are deceiving ourselves into thinking that, for thousands of years we are more intelligent than the rest of the animal kingdom. And that, despite growing evidence these days to the opposite. Of course, I do not deny that we, human animals, are smart when it comes ...

Ancient Latin Writing Style to Modern Computer Language

 Archeologists and historians claim that the early Sumerians in ancient Mesopotamia invented some of the earliest form of writing using wedged shaped characters into small clay tablets known as "cuneiform" as a form of communicating circa 3200 BCE. What they can't completely prove is if cuneiform influenced a written style of communication one hundred years later among the Egyptian hieroglyphs and Chinese who used pictographs two thousand years later . While Sumerians were developing their written language, the Phoenicians created the first alphabet made up of 22 distinct characters that influenced the way most other ancient civilizations wrote, even though other cultures used forms of drawing pictures to communicate ideas. Roman civilization borrowed a form of alphabet that flourished and even today it has become known as our alphabet in most Western countries. Numerous cultures in the distant past employed a quirky method of writing called "scriptio continua",...